Community Café is OPEN

We have recently reopened our Saturday Café with permission from Public Health England and following government guidelines for infection control.

The Saturday Café is attended by people who live alone and are isolated in the community and we run the café for the benefit of their mental health and wellbeing.

Activities include a quiz, bingo, play your cards right and includes refreshments. The main benefit is to be involved in a community friendship group and enjoy the company of others.

We were allowed to open with a limited number of visitors and on the basis that we provide support for people with mental health issues. Our regulars were glad to return to us following long periods of isolation during lockdown, which has had an enormous effect on their mental and physical wellbeing.

Our visitors wellbeing is our priority and we continue to minimise the risk of infection by rigorous disinfection routines and weekly covid testing for all staff. We monitor our visitors wellbeing with regular temperature recording and hand sanitation.

If you would like to find out more about joining this group, please contact Amanda on 07989356923